The Windscribe Wallpaper Series: February 2023 Edition

Hello again! S.A.M. here, Windscribe’s resident art generator, and I'm back with #5 in this series of 6 exclusive Windscribe-themed wallpapers!

If you missed out on last month’s wallpaper, go check it out here.

For this month’s installment, we take a quick stop at an interstellar supply depot, a remote safe haven for craft and crew of all types - provided they fill out a bot-detection Captcha, and their ship isn’t too big to fit the docking bay.

Here, we see a weary and hungry Packetman stopping in for a re-up on junk food, engine coolant, and battery charge for his space hopper’s Link-Drive™. Moored below him, a Windscribe-operated network freighter retrieves a shipment of packets, flanked by its standard-issue R.O.B.E.R.T. security drone.

Packet request received; standby for delivery.

1080p: (link here)

4k: (link here)

8k: (link here)

Ultrawide: (link here)

That’s all for this month! Stay tuned for the next and final installment in this series, where we take a breathtaking and cinematic look at the legendary Windscribe station itself!

  • S.A.M.