Tuesday Newsday Oct 31 - Nov 6: More Okta Woes, The Fall of the Crypto King, & Powerful Proxy Botnets.

Today is Marie Curie's birthday, so it's only appropriate that one of this week's stories is about a radioactive situation over at Okta headquarters. Those guys don't seem to be able to catch a break. Anyway, as usual, internet chefs make good content - you know how it goes. Let's dive right into the hot mess that is Okta at the moment:

Yet another Okta breach happens, this time it's employee info

A brief summary of Okta woes in the past 12 months:

  • Threat actors use Okta to gain access to MGM digital services: Sept 2023
  • Okta itself is breached, exposing customer data: Oct 2023
  • Okta is breached again via a 3rd party, this time it's employee data: Oct/Nov 2023

Not a great couple of months if your life savings was invested in Okta stock. If your company uses Okta for identity verification, maybe check your systems.

Former King of Crypto, SBF, is convicted of fraud

Oh how the mighty of fallen. In hindsight, we should have been suspicious of this guy the whole time. "Effective Altruism" sounds like it was cooked up in a PR lab (looking at you fine "consultants" over at McKinsey).

As it turns out, defrauding thousands of people carries some pretty serious penalties, in this case Sam Bankman-Fraud will be looking at...over 100 years in jail. Maybe he shouldn't have put himself up on the stand and alienated the entire jury 🤷.

Sorry SBF, that line only works for former presidents
The Socks5Systemz proxy service has infected 10,000+ services worldwide

Our world is shifting towards a subscription-based business model, so it only makes sense that hackers would follow the trend. Socks5Systems is a network of proxy bots that piggy back on existing malware: PrivateLoader and Amadey. The operators of Socks5Systemz sell their services in two subscription tiers: 'Standard' and 'VIP.'

Generally, services like this are used for shopping bots or bypassing geo-restrictions while piggybacking off the computing power of unknowing people.


  • Things aren't looking great over at Okta HQ at the moment
  • Rest easy tonight, the Crypto King is dead!
  • The proxy bots are coming, they want to shop on Amazon

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